
Sonny Trenchcoat @ Astral Dreams

| giovedì 19 agosto 2010 | |
Sonny Trenchcoat è cantante in SL, con una potente voce da baritono. Nato in Texas, ha vissuto a New Orleans, dove ha suonato la tuba e il corno in diverse bands. Attualmente vive di nuovo nel Texas, ad Austin, da dove si esibisce come independent performer in SL. La sua musica risente dell’influenza di molti generi dagli anni ‘50 ad oggi, comprendendo ballate romantiche, country, arie da musical, rock e.... chi più ne ha, più ne metta. :-)
Stasera, giovedì 19 agosto ore 23.00 ITT (2:00pm SLT)


Sonny Trenchcoat is an SL artist with a bass/baritone voice of unique skill and power. He is a native Texan, now living in Austin, TX. Growing up in Texas and living in New Orleans, he has been influenced by a wide range of music from the 50s thru today, from classical and romantic ballads to rock, country to broadway and most things in between.He has sung in church, community and oratorio choirs and choruses for many years and has played tuba and baritone horn thru college and in community bands in New Orleans, Dallas and Austin.
Today, August the 19th, at 23.00 ITT (2:00pm SLT)

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