Molti lo notano grazie al cappello che porta sulla sua testa, al modo in cui si veste ed alle canzoni che tutti amano cantare insieme a lui.
Quello che è certo è che LANCE non ha paura di essere realmente se stesso.
Ha suonato su palchi di ogni misura, solo per essere in grado di condividere con altri la sua anima. Grandi arene, campus dei College, basi militari ma anche sale da ballo e festival musicali: LANCE ha tratto le sue canzoni dal mare e le ha portate in tutto il mondo.
Nel 2004 Lance suonava a casa sua ad Huntsville (USA), in un concerto nel parco in onore delle forze armate americane: una folla di circa 6.000 persone è rimasta incantata dalle dolci parole e dal ritmo accattivante di Lance. Ha concluso il concerto con la sua intensa ballata "Take My Breath Away", ed alla fine della canzone la folla cantava in coro le sue canzoni portandone l'eco per le strade di Huntsville.
LANCE ha fatto numerosi tours musicali a dimostrazione della sua grande passione per la musica e per i concerti. Sarà con noi stasera alle 23.00 (2:00 SLT), naturalmente ad Astral Dreams.
Lance has created a huge buzz across the country in an amazingly short period of time, playing everywhere from intimate club settings to 25,000 seat arenas. He has played shows in 46 states and 7 countries. Inspired by a need to give back to the men and women who fight for their freedom, Lance has played over 60 shows just for the troops. He has a full tour schedule playing over 150 to 200 shows per year. He has done several radio and television appearances and has been on the cover of many newspapers and publications. With a fan base of over 50,000 and growing, he has proven that he is here to stay. Reach out your hand and shake the hand of a true artist. LANCE is one of a kind in todays music industry. Many notice him by the hat on his head, the way he dresses and the songs that you love to sing along with. One thing is for sure LANCE has not been afraid to be true to himself. He has performed on stages of all sizes just to be able to share his soul. Large arenas, College campuses, Military Bases to Music halls and music festivals LANCE has taken his songs from sea to shining sea and around the world.2004 found Lance playing at home in Huntsville, AL at a concert in the park honoring all Armed Forces of America. An estimated crowd of over 6,000 were touched by the smooth lyrics and rocking beats Lance delivered. He closed the show with his soulful ballad, "Take My Breath Away", and by the end of the song the crowd sang the chorus as their voices united and echoed through the streets of Huntsville.
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