Lunedì 31 maggio alle 22.30 (1:30pm SLT) ad Astral Dreams Enniv Zarf in concerto!
Ricevo dalla nostra Sandy Demina:
Enniv Zarf (Paul Kwo) ha studiato pianoforte sin da quando aveva 5 anni ed ha ricevuto un Bachelor of Music degree in Piano and a Master of Music in Composition dalla University of Southern California. In Second life, Enniv Zarf ha tenuto tanti concerti ed a tutti gli effettti considera le sue esibizioni inworld un'estensione naturale della sua carriera RL, che lo ha condotto ad esibirsi sotto la bacchetta di Stanislaw Skrowaczewski, Robert Reynolds, Carl St. Clair ed a fianco di famosi artisti cinesi quali Yo-Yo Ma e Wei Wei e molti altri. La sua musica ha ricevuto molti premi e riconoscimenti ed ha suonato in orchestre e formazioni musicali in tutto il mondo. Ha composto musiche anche per varie campagne pubblicitarie per aziende quali Verizon, Honda, MacDonald's ed altre. Un'ultima curiosità sulla sua carriera artistica: Enniv-Paul ha anche prestato la sua voce alla Mummia nell'episodio " Tomb of the Dragon Emperor" della serie musicale dell NBC " Scrubs"!
Enniv Zarf's (Paul Kwo) has studied piano since he was five. He received a Bachelor of Music degree in Piano and a Master of Music in Composition from the University of Southern California. He has studied composition with Frank Ticheli, Tamar Diesendruck and David Fick; piano, with Norman Krieger, Lucinda Carver, Francois Regnat and Charles Fierro; Jazz voice, with Matt Falker; Jazz piano, with Russ Ferrante. He has also had the opportunity to work with Bernard Rands, Steven Hartke, Menachem Wiesenberg, David Tcimpidis and Chen Yi. Paul has also studied acting with Joseph Hacker, Jack Rowe, Michael Keenan, Palmer Fuller and Jan Hennigan, and playwriting with Velina Houston. As a composer, his piece Nanking 1937- recieved the Jimmy McHugh Composition Prize, Endowed by Lucille Meyers at USC. The piece also was placed among the top seven by the New York Youth Symphony's 2006 First Music Competition receiving a special recognition. Also in 2005 Paul's Ancient Sacrament for the Organic Machine was placed among the top seven by NYYS's 2005 First Music competition. The piece led him to be a finalist in the 2004 ASCAP Morton Gould Young Composers Awards . Furthermore, ERM Media's has awarded his Ancient Sacrament for the Organic Machine to be included in their 'Masterworks of the New Era' Volume Ten, recorded with the Kiev Philharmonic to be released in 2007. Even while he was a senior in Gabrielino High School , Paul was given the opportunity to provide the arrangement of the Alma Mater for the Band. His symphonic poem Maganddore was accepted by USC's New Music for Orchestra concert in 2006. His music was also performed at the Society of Composer Inc. Region VI Conference at Rice University Syzygy Concert (New Music at Rice) 2006, and his solo piano work Surge has been performed by Chenny Gan at Wintergreen Performing Arts on February 25, 2006 at Wintergreen, Virginia, and has been recorded and released on her 2006 Solo Piano Album.His career as a pianist has allowed him to perform several of his own compositions at various venues. In addition, he has performed under the batons of Stanislaw Skrowaczewski, Larry Livingston, Robert Reynolds, Carl St. Clair, Shelly Berg, Don Crockett and Timothy Su, and alongside Yo-Yo Ma and Chinese singer Wei Wei. He is also very active as a pianist and teacher in Southern California. He has recently released his first freestyle piano improv album Rebirth [live] performed live inside Second Life available for purchase at most online music outlets. As an actor, he has been in various commercials for companies such as Verizon, Honda, PG&E, Wal-Mart, MacDonald's, Hyundai, Washington Mutual. He has done various plays and appeared on TV including NBC's Scrubs, NBC's Knight Rider & TLC's Untold Stories of the ER.. He has also appeared in a number of indie short and feature films with his most recent work as a voice performer on The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor and Xbox's You're in the Movies video game. He is currently working in Los Angeles as an Actor/Filmmaker/Musician/Educator along with being inside the virtual world of Second Life as the above along as a Pianist and Theatre Director.
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