Questo ragazzone ci farà impazzire stasera con la sua chitarra e una gran voce (sempre sua). Non usa backing tracks, il risultato sarà ruvido e sincero come poche volte avete sentito!
Alle 22.00 ITT (1:00pm SLT), naturalmente ad Astral Dreams! Un'anteprima? Cliccate qui: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFpY1DPOqjA
Today, Tuesday the 21st, from 22.00 ITT (1:30pm SLT) Guitarman Flanagan will perform at Astral Dreams' stage! That's what he says about himself: "I started playing guitar when i was 15 without taking lessons. I have no typical style of music, i just play what I think sounds good with only a guitar and a voice without backing tracks. I performed rl at partys and social events in the village I used to live. Here in SL I'm at the beginning again. I didn´t perform for almost 6 years because of private changes. It´s a lot of fun for me making music!"
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