tramite il suo portfolio e questa sera alle ore 22.00 (EUT) 01.00pm (SLT) all'inaugurazione nelle segrete del castello di Astral Dreams :)!
Pochi riescono a intravedere la complessa struttura delle linee che intersecandosi, creano la giusta armatura , la protezione che sempre serve , da niubbi a vecchi avi, per tenere al riparo la nostra anima virtuale.
E' qui ora, denudata, portata alla luce da questa artista che con poche pennellate di pixel rende giustizia all'essenza strutturale di noi avatars.
Ho sentito parlare di "pupazzi", di "bambole" e spesso si rivolgono ai propri avatars in terza persona ma.... distaccarsi non serve a molto : queste righe sovrapposte amano soffrono si annoiano e vivono in noi e con noi.
La ricchezza di questo teatro virtuale...ha solo un nuovo scenario rispetto al "reale" e Fiona Saiman lo porta all'essenza, regalandoci la visione interiore delle nostre tele di ragnatela tessute con il filo delle nostre vite.
Peu arrivent à entrevoir la structure complexe des lignes qui s'entrecroisent en nous créant la juste armature, la protection qui ne faillira pas, du noob à l'avatar mûr pour protéger notre âme virtuelle.
Elle est là, cette structure, aujourd'hui dévoilée, et mise en lumière par cette artiste qui de ses pinceaux de pixels rend justice à l'essence structurale de nos avatars.
J'ai entendu parler de "pantins", de "poupées",... qui font souvent ainsi référence à nos propres avatars, à la troisième personne. .. mais se distancier ne sert pas à grand chose: ces lignes superposées aiment, souffrent, s'ennuient et vivent en nous et avec nous.
La richesse de ce théâtre virtuel... ne change pas ou peu par rapport au réel et Fiona Saman l' a porté à l'essence des choses, nous offrant la vision interieure de nos toiles d'araignées tissée du fil de notre vie.
Few manage to catch a glimpse of the complex structure of intersecting lines, creating the right armor, protection which always serves, from noobs to old avi, to take away our souls.
And here now, stripped, brought to light by this artist with a few brushstrokes of pixels does justice to the structural essence of us avatars.
I've heard of puppets, dolls and often cater to their avatars in the third person but .... not much good work: these rows overlap love suffer are bored and live in us and with us.
The richness of this virtual theater ... it's just a new scenario with respect to reality. Fiona brings him to the essence, giving us the inner vision of our spider webs.
Few manage to catch a glimpse of the complex structure of intersecting lines, creating the right armor, protection which always serves, from noobs to old avi, to take away our souls.
And here now, stripped, brought to light by this artist with a few brushstrokes of pixels does justice to the structural essence of us avatars.
I've heard of puppets, dolls and often cater to their avatars in the third person but .... not much good work: these rows overlap love suffer are bored and live in us and with us.
The richness of this virtual theater ... it's just a new scenario with respect to reality. Fiona brings him to the essence, giving us the inner vision of our spider webs.