
Dee Timeless @Astral Dreams

| lunedì 17 ottobre 2011 | |

Dee suona in  SL da più di un anno ormai, ma in RL suona la chitarra da 30 anni e da 9 si guadagna da vivere con la musica, viaggiano nel sud est degli USA. E' scienziato e ingegnere del suono. In un anno e mezzo in SL, si è esibita in dozzine di club e il suo fan group "Dee's Meepers!" attualmente conta un centinaio di iscritti ma è in continuo aumento. Musicista esperta,
Dee usa una varietà di stili per promuovere la sua presenza musicale accompagnata da una presenza vocale davvero unica: ha una voce forte come la sua personalità, capace di affrontare il percorso verso quella che sentiva essere la sua vera identità.
Esegue un’ampia varietà di musica brillantemente arrangiata,  covers dei  Beatles, ELP, Radiohead, Fuel, Fleetwood Mac, Pink Floyd, SRV ed ovviamente anche qualche suo pezzo originale.

Dee has been playing in SL as a solo acoustic guitar artist since May, 2010. She has played dozens of clubs and venues - always invited back. She has a continually growing hardcore following which includes (as of April 2011) 93 members in her group "Dee's Meepers!", and an additional 50 members of her Subscribe-o-matic notifier.
As opposed to many who simply strum, Dee is a well-seasoned musician using a variety of styles to promote a strong-driving musical presence accompanied by a high-caliber unique vocal presence. People who hear her perform are impressed with the level of musicianship, and many are thrilled to hear great songs done right that they haven't heard in ages. She does a lot of songs that are extremely challenging to perform, many of which will not be heard elsewhere on SL.
Material covered is a broad variety of music brilliantly arranged acoustically, from 60's through modern - mostly mainstream but adding in a few obscure selections. Dee tackles some rather complex arrangments like Classical Gas. A sample of artists covered includes Beatles, ELP, Radiohead, Fuel, Fleetwood Mac, Pink Floyd, SRV. Dee also has a few well written original songs - with many more on the way.
Dee is transgendered in RL, and so it should not come as a surprise that she has a female avatar, yet a singing voice which at times sounds very masculine.

Start at 22.30 ITT (1:30pm SLT)!

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